Welcome to Composta Australia..... Manufacturers of an amazing Garden & Wormfarm in one!
🌱 Compact Efficient design
🌱 Clean & easy to use
🌱 Self-fertilising
🌱 BPA-free & UV Stable
🌱 Water-saving
The Composta Wormfarm composts your kitchen scraps thanks to the magic of composting worms into a rich organic fertilizer that feeds your plants growing within the pot,,also when you water your Composta the runoff can be used to feed other plants.
With easy shipping to your door.
And with each purchase we proudly support
* EcoMarines,within Schools accross Australia they are changing the future through inspiration and protecting our planet through education.
*The Fred Hollows Fondation,Improving the lives of people by providing sight.
With thousands of happy customers accross the world you too will Love using your Composta.
Also available @ Your local Bunnings SpecialOrders Desk
Or Bunnings Online.